إن التوجه الخاص بالشركة والذي تتميز به مؤسسة من نوع "بوتيك قانوني"، يتمثل في البحث عن وإيجاد وتحديد رغبات ومصالح واحتياجات عملائها الفرديين، وصياغة مواردها وفق خصوصية كل واحد منهم.
يتركز اهتمام الشركة على العملاء الفرديين الذين لديهم اهتمامات ومجالات عمل متعددة، حيث يتم تقديم النصح والمشورة لهم في متابعة استثماراتهم وتحديد الفرص، وحتى في الإدارة الشخصية اليومية.
This Monday, July 3rd, 2024, the Ministers Cabinet approved an Action Plan for Migrations, which is targeted at correcting and solving the serious and major issues currently being faced in the legal framework concerning the entrance into Portuguese National Territory, AIMA’s operational incapacity and to ensure the efficiency and functionality of all border control systems, as well as the correct and just integration of immigrants.
The securities market in Portugal is traditionally incipient. The PSI (Portuguese Stock Index), the main Portuguese capital market benchmark which aggregates the largest companies listed on Euronext Lisboa that have more than 1,000 million Euros of capitalization, comprised the shares of the twenty largest companies listed on the Lisbon stock exchange (the PSI-20). However, after years and years without reaching the threshold of twenty listed companies (currently, it is only 15), already in the course of 2022 it was decided to change the index from "PSI-20" to simply "PSI", no longer requiring the minimum number of twenty companies.
An agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of India on the Recruitment of Indian Citizens for Employment in the Portuguese Republic, signed in Lisbon on September 13th, 2021, entered into force on January 27th, 2022.
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