
A nova Lei do Investimento Privado (LIP), que visa tornar mais célere o processo de promoção, captação e tramitação de investimentos privados, quer internos quer externos, foi publicada sob a designação de Lei nº 10/18, de 26 de Junho. 


The Angolan State remains committed to change the direction of the country and the image it offers to the international community.

To this end, and in order to become independent of the imports that so penalize the normal development of the economy, the Executive has been attracting foreign investment to bet on the agricultural sector. It is in this area that the Government of the People's Republic of China is willing to invest in the development of the Angolan industrial sector, taking advantage of the country's agricultural potential, developing in one of the provinces an agricultural project in an area of two thousand hectares and through financing of US $ 15 million.


In the middle of this year, a Presidential Legislative Decree came into force, it has established the procedure for granting tax incentives in cases of marginal oil discoveries.



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